After this you’ll be charged £3.50 per GB until you use up your monthly UK data allowance, you return to the UK or you reach your next bill cycle. When travelling within our Europe Zone, if your UK monthly data allowance is over 25GB you’ll have a Roaming Limit of 25GB. Picture messages will cost you an extra 65p per message. Inclusive minutes can be used for calls to standard landlines and mobiles, but not special numbers (see the below table for more details). Tariff informationįor Pay Monthly phones and Sim Only tariff customers: The minutes and texts included in your tariff can be used in the UK and when roaming in our Europe Zone subject to our Fair Use Policy.

For customers who took out an O2 Refresh custom plan before the 17 December 2021 the Airtime and Device Plans remain linked for the duration of the Device Plan, this means you will have to pay off your Device Plan in full if you decide to end your Airtime Plan at any point. After 24 months you can: (i) keep your Airtime and Device Plans without changing anything (ii) Cancel your Airtime Plan and keep paying off your Device Plan instalments or, (iii) Cancel your Airtime Plan and pay off your Device Plan in full. This means that if you are in the first 24 months of your Device Plan you will have to pay off your Device Plan in full if you decide to end your Airtime Plan. For customers who took out an O2 Refresh custom plan on or after 17 December 2021, your Airtime Plan and Device plans unlink after 24 months. Due to this your final payment may be slightly less than your other monthly payments. Your monthly payments may be 1p or 2p higher than the price you’ve seen advertised, but the total cost will be the same.

You can pay off your Device Plan at anytime and choose to keep your Airtime Plan, upgrade, or leave.

The device cost will be the same whatever you choose. Pay the cash price for your device or spread the cost over 3 to 36 months (excludes dongles). O2 Refresh custom plans: Direct purchases only. Representative example Duration of credit agreement